Videogame Round-up Thursday July 29th
Two weeks ago in my last videogame round-up I made a lot of promises (reviews, articles, pictures of scantly clad woman), unfortunately due to a combination of laziness and computer issues I manged only a Just Cause 2 review and a rather lengthy description Of a Gamestop Sale.
Undoubtedly my readers are still waiting with baited breath for my Deadliest Warrior the Game preview. I have learned my lesson however and I am steadfastly refusing to put a list of upcoming reviews (sans one... see below). Also my too review list has mysteriously burgeoned to an unlikely 104 games in what I am hoping is another computer issue.

The exception that proves the rule is Crackdown which I actually manged to finish last week. To give away the plot, I score it at $25 which based on current used game prices makes it a must buy.
I am, as a result of finishing Crackdown, currently playing Dragon Age again with the goal in mind to actually finish the damn thing this time. (Like Fallout 3 I keep changing my character in some strange OCD perfection gambit.) Add in the fact Microsoft kindly made the Deal of the Week Borderlands DLC, rather than say twenty Sonic games, I hope to get to some indie and arcade game reviews over the next seven days (notice the word hope.)

Speaking of Dragon Age, Game Informer's latest issue claims they are releasing Dragon Age 2 this spring (YAY!) in two separate versions (Huh?) with the Xbox360 version being dumbed down for the stupids. (OH God The Horror.) Hopefully this is yellow journalism and not Civilization Revolutions all over again. (Not that Civilization Revolutions was all that bad mind you but still.)

Speaking of dumbing down, Madden 2011's latest new feature is play-calling for the not so bright. A feature I could have sworn I remember from Madden's past. (Wasn't it called Ask Madden or something?) Apparently it is now streamlined and will undoubtedly be the first thing that any gamer with an ounce of self respect turns off. Another new feature is the Jets don't suck this year (A first for the franchise I believe). That new feature might place a new Madden football game in this household for the first time this generation. Anyway a proper preview will be forthcoming.
Well once again thanks for your patience and I due sincerely hope this weeks production will make up for all it.
Undoubtedly my readers are still waiting with baited breath for my Deadliest Warrior the Game preview. I have learned my lesson however and I am steadfastly refusing to put a list of upcoming reviews (sans one... see below). Also my too review list has mysteriously burgeoned to an unlikely 104 games in what I am hoping is another computer issue.

The exception that proves the rule is Crackdown which I actually manged to finish last week. To give away the plot, I score it at $25 which based on current used game prices makes it a must buy.
I am, as a result of finishing Crackdown, currently playing Dragon Age again with the goal in mind to actually finish the damn thing this time. (Like Fallout 3 I keep changing my character in some strange OCD perfection gambit.) Add in the fact Microsoft kindly made the Deal of the Week Borderlands DLC, rather than say twenty Sonic games, I hope to get to some indie and arcade game reviews over the next seven days (notice the word hope.)

Speaking of Dragon Age, Game Informer's latest issue claims they are releasing Dragon Age 2 this spring (YAY!) in two separate versions (Huh?) with the Xbox360 version being dumbed down for the stupids. (OH God The Horror.) Hopefully this is yellow journalism and not Civilization Revolutions all over again. (Not that Civilization Revolutions was all that bad mind you but still.)

Speaking of dumbing down, Madden 2011's latest new feature is play-calling for the not so bright. A feature I could have sworn I remember from Madden's past. (Wasn't it called Ask Madden or something?) Apparently it is now streamlined and will undoubtedly be the first thing that any gamer with an ounce of self respect turns off. Another new feature is the Jets don't suck this year (A first for the franchise I believe). That new feature might place a new Madden football game in this household for the first time this generation. Anyway a proper preview will be forthcoming.
Well once again thanks for your patience and I due sincerely hope this weeks production will make up for all it.

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