Indie Game Review: MetaElectric Guitar
MetaElectric Guitar: Xbox Live Indie Game: Developer: Jordan Mews
MetaElectric Guitar is yet another music simulation utility on the Xbox Indie service. Apparently the Xbox360's ability to make sounds is fascinating to indie developers.

The first thing that will strike you about MetaElectric Guitar is that the interface (as can be gathered from the screen shots below) has all the panache of a microwave oven door. There are literally only two screens in the entire game. One a menu screen and the other witch looks like a countdown clock attached to a particularly incompetent bomb. There is no guitar, no playing, no giant Twinkies on stage being cheered by a fake audience.

You simply adjust some numbers and push the "twang" button" and your Xbox squeaks out a somewhat tinny version of that guitar note... that's it.

Of all the music utility "games" I have reviewed I believe this very well may be the laziest and most useless of them all... and that is quite an accomplishment against such stiff competition.
Score: Not even a dollar.
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MetaElectric Guitar is yet another music simulation utility on the Xbox Indie service. Apparently the Xbox360's ability to make sounds is fascinating to indie developers.

The first thing that will strike you about MetaElectric Guitar is that the interface (as can be gathered from the screen shots below) has all the panache of a microwave oven door. There are literally only two screens in the entire game. One a menu screen and the other witch looks like a countdown clock attached to a particularly incompetent bomb. There is no guitar, no playing, no giant Twinkies on stage being cheered by a fake audience.

You simply adjust some numbers and push the "twang" button" and your Xbox squeaks out a somewhat tinny version of that guitar note... that's it.

Of all the music utility "games" I have reviewed I believe this very well may be the laziest and most useless of them all... and that is quite an accomplishment against such stiff competition.
Score: Not even a dollar.
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